Ewout Dorman - Works
Cape Town.
Densification as a cure for a segregated city

Twenty years after democracy, Cape Town suffers from extensive urban sprawl, due to the legacy of the Apartheid spatial policy and the middle class ideal of single-family homes on individual plots of land. Sprawl is causing huge economical, environmental and social problems. Can we envisage a more compact and dense Cape Town, curing the many engrained patterns of unequal and unjust spatial divisions?

Cape Town. Densification as a cure for a segregated city
International New Town Institute
ISBN 978-94-6208-227-4
April 2015
Michelle Provoost (ed.)
design: Ewout Dorman, Gerard Hadders
publisher: NAi010, Rotterdam
English | paperback | 14 x 25 cm | 160 pages | illustrated (200 full color)